Improved Imperviousness Prototypes
The prototypes for imperviousness (IMP) are based on the existing HRL2015 IMP product definitions with further improvements taking into account the user requirements, that have been addressed as follows:
Input data: Use of one-year coverage only, from optical (combination of S-2A and S-2B) and SAR (combination of S-1A and S-1B) data for 2018, to head towards a yearly update
Production: Improved level of automation for faster production, related to the latter point
Product definition: Improved thematic accuracy; full use of the spatial resolution of S-1 and S-2 sensors, from 20 to 10m; refined change detection to capture the omission of the previous layers – expected with such improvement on spatial resolution – for the change layer;
Integration of SAR data into the time series analysis, in particular to tackle the issue of cloud coverage.
Two prototypes have been developed as part of the WP 42: an improved imperviousness binary mask (IMP) status layer at 10m spatial resolution and an incremental imperviousness change layer (IMC) between the HRL2015 status layer at 20m resolution and the new status layer for 2018 at 10m resolution, forcing the production of the change layer at 20m.
A detailed product description is available for download here. The prototypes are available in a WMS viewing service hosted at Furthermore the complete prototype data sets are available for download in GeoTiff format below.